Isabelle Torrubia Agencia Literaria

White Ravens

10 chaises (10 sillas) de Dominique Ehrhard (Grandes Personnes)

 Un libro pop-up que reproduce los modelos en miniatura de 10 famosas sillas y asientos que han marcado la historia del diseño y que están expuestos en museos. Entre ellos, Ehrhard reproduce la silla creada por el austriaco Michael Thonet en 1880, la silla que Le Corbusier creó en 1928 o el sofá Marshmallow diseñado por George Nelson e Irvin Harper en 1956. Un libro refinado y elegante, que destaca por el cuidado de cada detalle y que incluye al final una breve biografía de todos los artistas. En la línea de 5 maisons del mismo autor. Para todas las edades.

Opinión de la Internationale Jugendbibliothek: «This pop-up book by French artist Dominique Ehrhard is a showpiece of contemporary paper engineering; its mechanical ingenuity and filigreed precision are enchanting. The book presents ten timeless chairs and armchairs of the 20th and 21st centuries. Even in paper miniature form, they appear not as playful luxury objects but as well-made furniture, each with its own special way of uniting beauty, elegance, functionality and everyday suitability. The last five pages briefly introduce the “inventors” of these magical chairs: from Thonet to Le Corbusier to Mendini. Many of these are multi-talented creators who worked as furniture makers, carpenters, architects, or designers, and sometimes all in one. The book hails from avant-garde publisher Les Grandes Personnes and kick-starts a new chapter in art history for readers of all ages, in a striking and compact format. It certainly earned the Grand Prix du Jury de la nuit du livre it received in 2017.»

 Atlas des nuages (Atlas de las nubes) de Julie Guillem (Actes Sud Junior)

Un álbum poético e instructivo a la vez en el que Julie Guillem descifra los secretos de las nubes y del cielo. A través de unas imágenes muy sugerentes, tan bellas como verdaderos cuadros, será posible saber cómo se originan las nubes y de dónde vienen, y conocer el porqué de sus formas, de sus composiciones y circulación. Un atlas inédito y único en su estilo, que, además, permite aprender el nombre científico de las distintas nubes. Para todas las edades.

Opinión de la Internationale Jugendbibliothek: «A book written in the language of the clouds: Even its velvety cover reveals the intriguing synthesis of non-fiction and art book that embodies Actes Sud publishers’ innovative non-fiction book line. This first book by young artist Julie Guillem links scientific with artistic work, showing how clouds make the weather “visible” since they contain key information about water content, temperature, and storms. Knowing about clouds, for instance their height and formation, is thus a survival tool. Many great painters have conducted systematic cloud studies and been inspired to create masterpieces. Julie Guillem’s expressive chalk drawings belong in the long tradition of landscape painting. She marvellously meets the challenge of giving form and colour to a fog-like object without firm location and solid outline. Her pictures coalesce into “spiritual landscapes” that contain much more than fleeting appearances in the skies.»

Un grand jour de rien (Un gran día de nada) de Beatrice Alemagna (Albin Michel jeunesse)

Un niño llega con su madre a la misma casa de vacaciones de un lugar solitario y aparentemente sin atractivos al que van cada año. ¿Qué puede hacer allí, solo, aburrido, mientras su madre trabaja? Pero aquella tarde, después de perder su máquina de matar marcianos, se adentra en el bosque, donde descubrirá un mundo maravilloso. Derechos vendidos en lenguas española y catalana. A partir de 6 años

Opinión de la Internationale Jugendbibliothek: «Such a boring holiday! Black clouds hang over the mansion in the forest. The never-ending rain invites the child to retreat into the Martian world of his PlayStation. He even schleps the indispensable device with him for his first exploration of the outdoors. And then the unthinkable happens: Skipping across the pond, he accidentally lets the magical rectangle slip into the water – where it disappears. Instead of lamenting, though, the child turns its “liberated” attention to woodland wonders. He enjoys the rain and being all alone. The child’s bright orange rain poncho becomes like a streak of fluorescent lightning hitting here and then over there as he plays ever more exuberantly. The child returns to his mother drenched and happy. Beatrice Alemagna’s lively book captures the key moment when boredom converts into creativity. The message is clear: Back to nature! Just turn the PlayStation off – or in the worst (or best) case: into the pond it goes!»